Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Metallica Concert That Didn't Happen!

Imagine a crowd of 30,000 youngsters, all wearing Black t-shirt's with METALLICA printed on them, desperately waiting for a glimpse of the GODS OF METAL. This was the scene at  F1 Rocks, Leisure Valley, Gurgaon where the thrash metal group, also a part of the Big Four was supposed to perform on 28th October to promote the inaugural India GP. Fans arrived at the gates as early as 7:00 AM in the morning. As people started to pour in and the excitement grew, we were engulfed with chants of “Metallica”. Being an eye-witness, I can surely tell you that it was a perfect start to a wonderful upcoming day. The sound-testing was most tempting, we could hear the bands play but couldn't watch them perform, the scene was similar to giving a girl the most expensive makeup and locking her in a room without a mirror. The band which has given several hit albums such as The Black Album, Master Of Puppets, Ride the Lightning and many many more had finally come to India after 30 years of formation, and the effect was magnetic. I still remember the day in February when the news broke out, i still remember how i jumped in excitement when i recieved my ticket, the enthusiasm  just multiplied after that.  The concert arena had enough space for so many people, however the entry gates didn't. Many brainless enthusiasts who wanted to be right in front even at the cost of others started pushing. The agitated crowd bored from waiting made the bouncers their targets, throwing bottles and screaming. The gates were opened at 4 o’ clock and the metalheads ran towards the stage. We secured positions right in front as we were among the first people to enter the grounds.
This can also be called our big mistake, if the concert had taken place, we would have been in the best position!, but it didn’t. We had to face the full force of the stampede, people fell on top of each other, some were even left shoeless. Clothes of 2 of my buddies were torn apart. Strangely, we could bear the pushing, but the barriers couldn't. One of the barriers right in front of the stage broke, many efforts were made to repair it, but the management wasn’t able to. Apparently, their was not enough security at the premises and it was becoming difficult for the organisers to handle the furious Delhi crowd. As time was spent on the security issues of the performers and the crowd, Guillotine, an Indian metal band who had BEATEN 200 bands to win a chance to open for Metallica had to leave without performing. Let alone the fans, even these guys DID NOT get to meet Metallica. Their drumkit was removed from the stage. Seeing this, the crowd which had been waiting inside the premises for nearly 2 hours sensed something was wrong, chants of Metallica turned into chants of abuses.
Next came the official announcement that the concert had been postponed for “technical reasons”, we departed at that very moment. Outside, the enthusiasm was gone, there was only disappointment in the air. Moreover, mobile phones stopped working, calls jammed due to 30,000 dejected fans calling home to deliver the bad news. When the calls finally connected, even the final hope of watching our idols perform was lost, we were informed by our concerned parents that chaos ensued after we left. However modern and civilised we may become, but the Delhi crowd just doesn’t change. Is it the first time that a huge, high profile artist has not been able to perform in our city? If i remember correctly, it was this year only when a Bryan Adams concert was cancelled. The Delhi crowd jumped over the barriers and caused mayhem on the stage, people started breaking equipment, screens and hoardings. All these outrageous actions eventually led to the cancellation of the gig.
 Who was at fault? the crowd for its behaviour? the organisers for not taking enough security measures? or Metallica for trying to perform for an over - immature audience? Whoever may be at fault, but the sufferers were the true Metallica fans - Teens like me who had fought to attend the event, people coming from abroad to watch the concert. Metallica faced losses of about Rs. 2 crore, 4 of DNA’s officials were arrested. Will Delhi ever change? Didn’t this come to the mind of the rich and highly educated jerks that their vandalism would only destroy their last chance of watching the Gods of Metal perform in their vicinity. It doesn’t seem that any other Heavy Metal group would dare to come to Delhi.
I would have gone to watch Metallica perform the next day, or any other day for that matter … hope they do …
Saransh Arora, X-F
The Sufferer And the Witness